Howdy folks! I am writing this post from my "new" (as in, refurbished), computer, Obi-Wan! Yes, after many years, I finally got a new computer. Yoda has been good to me-he has lasted much longer than any normal computer would (in fact, he still is running, and can even get on the net, as I still am currently using dial up). He was my first computer when I started college-and although he has had a 'few' upgrades, he essentially remained the same in spirit. ;) There have been a few hiccups, and I am sure there will be many more. But it was time-Yoda could only handle Win98, and I really needed a computer that, at the very least, could handle XP. Even though Windows 7 is now the newest, greatest thing, I currently have XP running on this computer. Now I just need to find something faster than dial up. Rather than just getting high speed internet, I'm considering bundling some services, of which would mean I have to switch to digital phone, and switch my cable. (that...