
Showing posts from February, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011!!!

...or, as my friend Lee posted, 'Blizznarok'. LOL. Astronomer Phil Plait from Bad Astronomy posted this video that NASA and NOAA made with satellite images from January 31st to February 2nd: Wow! Anyone catch the front cover of the Plain Dealer yesterday? They had a satellite image from Tuesday, with a tiny 'you are here' arrow pointing to Cleveland. Pretty amazing. I was lucky-didn't loose power, and the ice wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been (although I think a combination of the ice and wind took out half a strand of my snowflake lights-I noticed last night that they were out. :() Still, if that's the worst that happened to me, it's nothing. We've got mountains of snow along the streets (thanks plow trucks), so the sidewalks are pretty impassable. It was amazing to see different posts from my friends all around the country-it was like we were all in the same area-it was just difficult to fathom that everyone was experience similar sit...

Walking update

Well, looks like I was a little off with my mileage guesses. ;) Here's the new totals for January: Week of January 2nd: 12 miles Week of January 9th: 15 miles Week of January 16th: 3 miles Week of January 23rd: 8 miles January 31st: 1 mile Total miles for January 2011: 38 (not bad for a winter month!)