
Showing posts from December, 2010

Spreading Some Holiday Cheer

Well, so much for that blizzard that was supposed to hit us! Ok, the weather was kind of bad, and we did actually get to go home early yesterday (whoa!), but considering what they were originally predicting, this storm kinda just hiccuped and died. ;) Finally finished my decorating! Now when I watch tv, I can work on my knitting, rather than trying to decorate during commercials. ;) Thought I would send a little holiday cheer along. No matter how many times I see it, this video never gets old: Also, do you like Target's commercials for the season? Did you know that you can download all the music from the commercials? ...for FREE?!?! AWESOME! Check out Enjoy!!!

Snowy nights

As promised, here are a couple of pictures from Wednesday night: (click to enlarge) Check out our lights, all covered in snow!!! They are saying we are going to be hit with a blizzard Sunday, so there may be more snowy pictures in the future. ;)

Snow storms

Wow! I hope everyone in the area survived the surprise lake effect snow storm that came through yesterday afternoon! (I say surprise, because it was all supposed to have passed by late Tuesday afternoon)I was lucky-I got a ride home, and we somehow managed to squeeze into an opening, then hit a pocket of no vehicles on the road and we whizzed up Cedar Hill (well, not exactly 'whizzed up', after all, the roads were nasty!) I had a couple of friends who were stuck downtown for quite some time. It took poor Arthur 5 and a half hours to get home! He could've been to Columbus and back at that rate! I've got a couple of pictures I'll hope to post sometime soon... Tomorrow Sharon and I are going to the Botanical Gardens during our lunch break to check out the Gingerbread Houses-I'm so excited!! I'll definitely have to post some pictures of that. This weekend is the annual holiday baking party that Perseph and I try to have each year. I'm making rum balls...