Perseids and the Feast

Well, phooey-nothing in July. That makes it the second month when I didn't post anything at all. Not even a short note to let you know I still have every intention of blogging again. Hmmm...maybe I should consider mobile updates for brief messages. I have a Twitter account for something like that, but not everyone uses Twitter. The only thing is it will only update this blog and not my LiveJournal or MySpace blogs. Oh, well. Tonight is the first night of the Feast of the Assumption! We will be doing our standard around the neighborhood for the first couple of hours, with a sit down sometime after 8pm. Dunno if I'll have the chance to update during the Feast, but you never know-I might try. ;) If you are on Twitter, you can follow me there -as I'm sure I'll update it at least a couple of times this weekend. ;) From last year: Yeah, I know-not many pictures. That's ok-the Italian Band has a, wait for it... Facebook page !! It's set up so you can browse our...