Tomorrow is Halloween!!!

Oooh! I'm so excited! Halloween's tomorrow! I'm actually going to try to give out candy at my own home (normally I help Perseph and Paul on Halloween night-but Perseph is currently on a road trip! :)) I have no idea how many kids I'll get-I'm thinking about being a total nerd and Tweeting the events through the night. We'll see. ;) Until then, I have a few pictures to share: My pumpkin! which will soon be turned into a jack-o-lantern... Some porch decos! I hope my bat lights survive the wind!! And this I took last week-it's totally cool-but would be much cooler if I had a telephoto lens: Can you see it between the trees and the telephone poll? It's the moon-less than 10 percent full! When I first spotted it, I actually thought it was a jet trail (since there were several in the sky) The full size image is much clearer, but, well, that's a pretty big image!! ;) Happy Halloween!!!