, wait, OCTOBER!
Holy smokes! It's the last day of September, and I haven't written anything in this blog all month! Wow, and I thought only 2 posts a month were bad... I've just been busy, I guess. It's not like I have nothing to write about-I think of entries all the time-just don't have the time to write them all out! I have quite a few things I've starred in my rss-reader that I'd like to write about. *sigh* Let's see, what has happened this month? Well, St. Rocco's for Italian Band, the Tippit reunion. I actually went to the movies (btw, 9 is pretty awesome!) Worked on cleaning my Dad's telescope (the mirror really needs to be re-silvered-but that's another story that I didn't get to this month...perhaps I'll write more about that later). Hmm...what else? I participated in Case for Community Day again (7 years running!), love my tv shows (well, duh), my flowers on my porch are still blooming-my petunias have taken over my marigolds!! ...