A list...
...of things I need to do: 1. Write here more. 2. Write here more. 3. Write here more. 4. Write here more. 5. WRITE HERE MORE!! (ha!) Seriously, I was hoping I would get back on track with the new year. That hasn't happened yet. Lent starts next week-maybe I'll get my act together by then. ;) I'll write a list. I'm very good at writing lists...just not so hot at keeping up with them. ;) List of projects: 1. Finish Bella's baby blanket 2. Start my SJ costume for Marcon 3. Scrapbook for Chicago Tardis 4. Put Tardis consol together (no, Dave, I haven't forgotten!!) ;) 5. Get back on the healthy track 6. Coca Cola reward points (more on that later...) 7. Develop film (more on that later) Ah, well-it's back to work for me!