
Showing posts from April, 2008

Mommy Time! ;)

D.W.Q.M.: Sarah: "Oh, I could murder a cup of tea. You're serious, aren't you?" the Third Doctor: "About what I do, yes. Not necessarily the way I do it." My Mommy came for a visit!! Well, actually, she went to D.C. to see the Pope, but she stopped by on her way there, and on her way back! So we had a short visit, 2 weekends in a row. ;) This was the first time she's seen my new place. :) Even though our time was short, we still managed to have fun. The first weekend she was here, the Sarah Jane Adventures premiered on SciFi, so we watched that together. :) (Have I mentioned she's partly responsible for my Doctor Who addiction?) This was an extremely short visit, though-she had to leave the next morning for D.C., and I was headed for Cincinatti that weekend. This past weekend, she came on Saturday. I had just bought the Time Warrior and Planet of Evil on dvd, so we sat down and watched the Time Warrior (which was my very first Doctor Who story) S...


D.W.Q.M.: "You know, I am so constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delight and satisfaction of the arts... the gentle art of fisticuffs." -the First Doctor Congrats to the Cleveland Heights IceHawks!!! This past weekend in Cincinatti, they one their first Championship!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!!!! GOOOOOO, WILD!!!! (although, I just checked the score, and they are currently loosing this game to the Avalanche. *sigh* , they are still ahead in the series, 2-1!!!!!)