Mommy Time! ;)
D.W.Q.M.: Sarah: "Oh, I could murder a cup of tea. You're serious, aren't you?" the Third Doctor: "About what I do, yes. Not necessarily the way I do it." My Mommy came for a visit!! Well, actually, she went to D.C. to see the Pope, but she stopped by on her way there, and on her way back! So we had a short visit, 2 weekends in a row. ;) This was the first time she's seen my new place. :) Even though our time was short, we still managed to have fun. The first weekend she was here, the Sarah Jane Adventures premiered on SciFi, so we watched that together. :) (Have I mentioned she's partly responsible for my Doctor Who addiction?) This was an extremely short visit, though-she had to leave the next morning for D.C., and I was headed for Cincinatti that weekend. This past weekend, she came on Saturday. I had just bought the Time Warrior and Planet of Evil on dvd, so we sat down and watched the Time Warrior (which was my very first Doctor Who story) S...