
Showing posts from April, 2007

Doctor Who news

D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?" the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?" ( author's note: this post can also be found at the Idiot's Lantern .) I just realized that I haven't been posting these over here ever week like I used to when there was new Who (in the U.S. or U.K.) I'll try to remember to cross post here when I do these for the Idiot's Lantern . Series 3/Season 29 in the U.K. Saturdays, 7pm (GMT) on BBC One Current episode: 5. Evolution of the Daleks Previous epiosdes: 4. Daleks in Manhattan 3. Gridlock 2. The Shakespeare Code 1. Smith and Jones The ratings are down in the U.K. Smith and Jones scored a record-breaking 8.2 million viewers last month, but last week's episode, Daleks in Manhattan , only scored 6.3 million. (However, it is still beating the competition!) Have the Daleks lost their touch? one writer asks. Well, I've got ...

so much to do, so little time...

D.W.Q.M.: "Why is a mouse when it spins?" -the Fourth Doctor ....nah, I'm just lazy. ;) A few thoughts for this week: -I'm up 3 pounds from last week. d@$#%! At least I'm still under a certain weight 'X', but if I'm not careful, I may go over that. I've managed to stay under 'X' for 2 months now, which I'm very happy about. However, the Easter candy needs to disappear soon (and not by way of my mouth), and I have to start exercising regularly again. I went for a walk Sunday after I got home from Pittsburgh (God, the weather was gorgeous!!) and Tuesday, but I'm not walking nearly enough, and I need to get back into a regular exercising routine. My friend Mongo lent me VNV Nation's latest cd-I'm excited-new cds are great to listen to on walks!! ;) -Eventually I'll report my Open that Box! day results. I wanted to do a scan of all the chase cards I found-they all fit nicely into a 9-card pocket page. ;) -Hmm...other thin...

LAFF it up! ;)

D.W.Q.M.: "Carrot juice, carrot juice, carrot juice..." -the Sixth Doctor Okay, been slacking with the LAFF plan updates-that's for sure! I really need to start focusing again-I feel I've gotten off track-at least with the exercising part. The weather hasn't been all that great for walking-but I've completely stopped working out at home. I really need to do that again. Since I haven't used my weights in such a long time, I'm going to have to be careful and ease back into it. It's no fun walking around with sore arms! I'm hoping the weather will start to get nice again-since walking is my favorite form of exercise. :) Also, with the warming weather (hopefully it'll stay that way for awhile), means more disc golf! I don't know how I've managed it, but I've actually still been loosing weight-not a whole lot, but I was down 2 pounds from last week! So I've either A-successfully changed my diet, B-been really lucky, or C-a litt...

Happy (snowy) Easter!

D.W.Q.M: "Who sold you on that, an Eskimo?" -Sarah Jane Smith (yes, I know I used this quote last time-but give me a break-there's 20 inches of snow outside my door!) ;) "I don't know whether to wish you a Happy Easter...or a Merry Christmas." -Fr. Mike, at the beginning of his Easter homily. Yeah, getting to church this morning was a bear. Of course, none of the sidewalks were shoveled (they didn't even bother to shovel our walks during the Valentine's Day blizzard!) And the streets were just plain awful. In East Cleveland, it was so bad that they closed all the hills-told people not to drive until the snow stopped. (yeah, right, it's still falling!) Oh, no-wait. It actually looks like it might have stopped...for now. They didn't get to the roads until mid-afternoon. Anyhoo, while sitting at church, I heard this loud rustling sound-I (along with several other parishoners) looked up just in time to see the shadow of snow falling off the ro...

I'm dreaming of a white...Easter?!

D.W.Q.M.: "Who sold you on that? An Eskimo?" -Sarah Jane Smith (from the Fourth Doctor story, Seeds of Doom ) I think I may have mentioned this before, but living in Ohio has made me soft. Years ago, the prospect of having a white Easter wouldn't have shocked or upset me so. I mean, we may not have enjoyed having a white Easter in MN, but when it happened, it wasn't as unusual as it is here. (Snow in April? sure! bring it on! ;)) The snow looked so pretty as it was falling outside my window at work...too bad it's spring and Easter around the corner, rather than winter and Christmas being around the corner. When we got to St. Rocco's, despite being reassured earlier in the day that the procession was still on-we found out that they decided to cancel it. They were worried that the streets would start to freeze over. Although I was a little disappointed, in all honesty, I was not looking forward to playing my clarinet in 20 degree weather. brrrrr! So several o...

Some updates on a cold, snowy, SPRING? night.

D.W.Q.M.: Barbara: "Perhaps it's frozen?" the First Doctor: "No, impossible... not in this temperature. Besides, it's too warm." It's snowing. It's snowing. Hard to believe that it was 80 degrees on Tuesday, and by Wednesday night, we had snow on the ground. Come on, it's April! It's spring! (Wow, living in Ohio has made me soft. Snow in April used to be 'normal'.) ;) So much to say, so much has been going on. I'm not even sure where to begin with updates. I guess I should start with my promotion-yes, I got a promotion at work. However, it's name only (no money for raises this year). My job title went from a II to a III, and I have more responsiblity. Now I'm an ordering assistant. I actually order books now! I'm still receiving and cataloging Approval plan books-but now I'm also dealing with firm orders-searching, downloading records, ordering books/dvds from different vendors. So many new logins and passwords t...