D.W.Q.M.: Barbara: "Perhaps it's frozen." the First Doctor: "No, impossible... not in this temperature. Besides, it's too warm." Ugh. It is entirely too hot. I hate the heat. I could never move out west or down south-I would just be too miserable. Unfortunately, I wouldn't escape the heat if I went up north! Minneapolis is supposed to get up to 102 today-and no one believes me when I say it can get pretty hot and miserable in Minnesota... I finally broke down and installed my air conditioner yesterday. I know you must think I'm nuts for waiting this long-but actually, I had been doing pretty well up to now. Saturday night was the first night that I couldn't sleep because it was too warm. So, with the heat advisories for this week, plus the fact that I'm fighting off an ear infection(which feels 10x worse when it's hot and muggy) I installed the good 'ol A/C, and my apartment is much more comfortable now. ;) This past Saturday was the...