
Showing posts from March, 2006

Doctor Who news

D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?" the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?" Series one in the USA: Fridays, 9pm on the SciFi Channel Current episode: 4. Aliens of London Previous episodes: 3. The Unquiet Dead 2. The End of the World 1. Rose Series Two in the UK: Saturdays, at ???(time still to be determined) on BBC1 1. New Earth will premiere on April 15th. Outpost Gallifrey's newspage has many interesting articles on the press launch coverage and official release date of Series 2 in the UK. WARNING: mild spoilers! not to be read if you haven't seen the end of series one yet, or you don't want to know anything about series 2. :) New this year to Who: TARDISODES . TARDISODES are 60 second mini-episodes that will be additions to the main story line, featuring back-stories about the characters and the adventures in the upcoming episode. These will be available...

Who and astro random thoughts...

D.W.Q.M.: "How about a trip in the TARDIS? I'm just off..." -the Fourth Doctor It's official! The BBC announced that series 2 will start on April 15th at 7:00pm on BBC1. Yay! :) Start your countdowns... ;) I really need to start my night sky posts again-I keep meaning to, but then I just run out of time... Unfortunately we were on the wrong side of the planet to witness the solar eclipse that took place today. But if you want to check out a really cool article on the event, just click here. :) Also, if you are a fan of the Pleiades, then you won't want to miss the occulation on April 1st!! According to Sky and Telescope , all you need to do is to keep watch on the Moon from twilight until the Moon sinks too low in the west to follow, and you'll notice that the moon is next to the stars of the Pleiades. You can find out more here . Hey, Perseph , up for a little stargazing on Saturday? ;) I might have to bring out my telescope !

Doctor Who news

D.W.Q.M.: "Now please, come and see the TARDIS. As an invasion weapon it's about as offensive as a chicken vol-au-vent." -the Fifth Doctor Series one in the USA: Current episode: 3. The Unquiet Dead Previous episodes: 2. The End of the World 1. Rose Series two in the UK: Although I haven't seen anything official, current speculation is that series two will start on April 15th. (Which means the episode with Sarah Jane Smith will air on May 6th-yay! Hey, that's my sister's bday!) ;) Speaking of Sarah, Big Finish just released Fatal Consequences, the third episode of the second series of their Sarah Jane Smith audios. Oooh, I really want to listen to these!! Doctor Who has been nominated for three hugo awards- for the episodes the Empty Child and the Doctor Dances, (one nomination for a two-parter, I assume?), Dalek , and Father's Day . All good episodes-including my favorite from series 1 ( the Empty Child ). Oooh, but it's up against Battlestar Galac...


Happy Spring, everybody!!!! Everyone ran screaming as soon as they realized what the long winter months had done to the yard... (Image from the Fourth Doctor story, the Seeds of Doom )

coming to SciFi this Friday

D.W.Q.M.: "Fantastic!!" -the Ninth Doctor Doctor Who "Hello!" :)

disc golfing on a Sunday afternoon....

D.W.Q.M.: "You know, I am so constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delight and satisfaction of the arts... the gentle art of fisticuffs." -the First Doctor Sunday Perseph , Foofy, Jerm, his dad (Mr. Dave), and I went to play disc golf at Hudson. The weather wasn't too bad, a little windy at times, but it was sunny. Unfortunately, though-the course was awfully muddy, so we were constantly wiping the mud off our discs. It was the first time that I got to try out my Teebird-L, and it performed beautifully!! (Well, provided I shot it in the right direction. LOL) I've had some of my longest drives ever with the TL, so I think it's definitely helping to improve my game. Although when I was trying a test shot with my Leopard, I (along with Jerm, who was helping me with my shot) was quite surprised with the distance I got with it (albeit it was in the wrong direction, but man, what distance!!) ;) I even managed to get par on one of the longer holes, ...

More randomness

D.W.Q.M.: "You're unbalanced. No wonder the Doctor always outwits you." -the Rani, to the Master (from the Sixth Doctor Story, Mark of the Rani ) SciFi launched it's Doctor Who website last week-I've been waiting for it ever since they announced it was coming to Scifi! :) Also, if you haven't already seen the ad for Doctor Who, you can catch it here. Two weeks away!!! I can't wait! :) TangognaT reviewed some manga that was based on the Read or Die anime series. She says it's not a direct adaptation of the OAV or the tv series, but takes place in a time period between the two anime releases. My friend Arthur introduced me to the Read or Die series with the original OAV, and I loved it! I haven't seen the tv series yet, but I'd like to. I might have to check out the manga as well. :) From Pythonland - Ben&Jerry's has a new icecream flavor: Vermonty Python!! I can't wait to try that. It's a good thing that Perseph and I are pla...