Doctor Who news
D.W.Q.M.: Sgt. Benton: "What are we going to do now?" the Second Doctor: "Keep it confused, feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?" Series one in the USA: Fridays, 9pm on the SciFi Channel Current episode: 4. Aliens of London Previous episodes: 3. The Unquiet Dead 2. The End of the World 1. Rose Series Two in the UK: Saturdays, at ???(time still to be determined) on BBC1 1. New Earth will premiere on April 15th. Outpost Gallifrey's newspage has many interesting articles on the press launch coverage and official release date of Series 2 in the UK. WARNING: mild spoilers! not to be read if you haven't seen the end of series one yet, or you don't want to know anything about series 2. :) New this year to Who: TARDISODES . TARDISODES are 60 second mini-episodes that will be additions to the main story line, featuring back-stories about the characters and the adventures in the upcoming episode. These will be available...