...or, 'I shoulda stuck with the Wizard of Oz.'
D.W.Q.M.: The First Doctor: "Pretty soon we shall be having visitors."
Ben: "Visitors? What, 'ere? Well, who do you think's bringing them, Father Christmas on his sledge?"
Ah, the Christmas season doesn't start until you've frozen your butt off waiting for the Christmas lights downtown to be turned on. :)
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Mine was pretty good, considering...just kidding, it was good. :) I have a pretty set way of how the weekend usually goes-Thursday morning I get up, turn on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, and during the commericals, make the stuffing and get the turkey ready for the oven. After the parade, I start the turkey and watch the Wizard of Oz while it is roasting in the oven. Then dinner, rest, clean up, dessert, and maybe a movie. Friday I get up early and brave the crowds, shop around, then in the evening, I head downtown for the beg...